Teens & Sex

Teens & Sex

Useful tools

During the teenage years, issues related to sex can be sensitive and accompanied by great shame and embarrassment. Sexual education in primary schools does not adequately address the many psychological aspects involved in developing a healthy and positive sexuality. That's why we offer guidance and sex education to help young adults navigate the jungle of sexuality, identity, and relationships. We equip them with the skills they need to develop a healthy and positive sexuality. Guidance and teaching are tailored to the individual's needs, but we will, among other things, around topics such as:

• What is normal sexuality?
• What is good sex?
• How do I communicate my feelings and needs?
• The difference between enjoyment and performance
• How do I set healthy boundaries?
• Lack of knowledge of own sexuality
• Body image, gender identity and sexuality issues

“We help young people to develop a healthy and positive sexuality.”


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health you deserve


    Sexual Problems

    Enjoy your life


    Understand each other

    Sexual Development

    Lifelong Learning